Removable functional appliances such as a bionator/activator/twin block improve severe bite issues in young patients, usually as a first phase (early treatment) of a comprehensive orthodontic treatment. They can either be made from separate upper and lower parts, which interlock, placing the lower jaw in a different position, or of one piece. Removable appliances such as a “plate” are used to improve the alignment of a couple of teeth or to expand an upper jaw. Sometimes we use clear Spark or Invisalign aligners to achieve similar results as plates
Removable appliances are, in general, less precise and effective than fixed appliances; the success of treatment with removable appliances depends on the compliance of daily wear and the growth pattern/growth amount. Alternative devices and treatments are available and may include clear Spark or Invisalign aligners, full fixed braces combined with headgear or TADs, teeth extractions, or severe cases, possibly jaw surgery when growth is finished.